Sacred Canopy

Sacred Canopy


Sacred Canopy is a triptych that gracefully intertwines the celestial glow of pastel hues with the earthly presence of dimensional trees. The work crafts a delicate balance, reflecting the ethereal qualities of stained glass while celebrating the tangible textures of the natural world.

Silhouetted tree branches mimic the intricate lead lines of church windows, framing the soft pastel colors that suffuse each panel with a quiet glow, suggesting the varied yet harmonious light found in sacred spaces.

The tree trunks in the foreground, with their rich details and depth, anchor the viewer in reality, offering a comforting touchstone amid the transcendent play of color and light. This work invites contemplation and calm, a silent homage to the spirituality of natural forms, and the sanctity of the landscape.

19”x21” (framed)

4”x12”, 4”x16”, 4”x12”

Acrylic on Canvas


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